2 books in 1; Forecast and (but, alas, we never do)
Artist Book, 2023
screen printed by hand
26,5 x 18,5 cm
edition of 6 (variations)
3 different covers
signed and numbered

Requiem means a song or hymn of mourning. This artist book consists of 2 books in one; “Forecast” and “(but alas we never do”). The texts in the book are short extracts from Vivaldi’s sonnets for the four seasons, some weather forecasts and a quote from Dorothy Parker;
Drink and dance and laugh and lie,
Love, the reeling midnight through,
For tomorrow we shall die!
(But, alas, we never do.)
But above all my artist book is made out of images and ambiance. You can do a parallel reading or read the books one at a time, or a bit here and there. There is not one “right way” of reading Requiem.

“Requiem” was my contribution to the Artist Book Project “To the sweet Murmurs of leaves”celebrating the 65 years of AGA LAB (artist run print studio in Amsterdam). The theme was The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi: the story of a man and his relationship with a landscape that changes every season. 28 artists participated and the books were exhibited at De Bouwput Gallery in Amsterdam.
Reaching for the Apocalypse
Artist Book, 2021
42 pages digitally printed inlay
12 unique pages screen printed monotypes
15,2 x 20,5 cm
limited edition of 30, numbered and signed
Bookbinding by Flodstrands Bokbinderi
My essayist approach to the Apocalypse connecting the Little Prince, the IPCC report on global warming, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, a memory game, Apocalypse the punk song – and more. And last, but not least; the importance of butterflies.
sand arena lera arcilla grus grava mark suelo åker
campo träsk pantano sjö lago flod rio regn lluvia
hav mar bäck arroyo is hielo tjärn estanque
Artist Book, 2019
screen printed by hand
16 pages
size: 14,5 x 21,5 cm
limited edition of 80, all unique variations
part of FLOW – 6 artist books by as many artists on the theme Water & Soil, all gathered in a box. The project was initiated by Colombian artist Andrès Fresneda.
These books are my free associations on the theme water and soil; expressing ambiance, materiality and scenery in an abstract way. Ink and water were let to freely flow to create the originals for half of thespreads. Painterly screen printing – with decisions taken in the very moment of printing – constitutes the other half of the flow in the books.
Drawing a line of thoughts
Artist Book, 2019
digital printed
90 pages
size: 2,5 x 20 cm
numbered edition of 28
signed and numbered
comes with 2 alternative titles:
An attempt to with words mirror what it is to draw; trying to to express something and evoke a feeling in the spectator/reader. Here the layout, the turning of the pages, different papers and words slowly being erased are used in the endeavour.
“There is absolutely no chance for a word ever to express anything. As soon as we start putting our thought into words and sentences everything goes wrong”
Marcel Duchamp
Anyway “j’ai fais un essai – et le voilà”
Alexandra Hedberg
… like there is no tomorrow …
Artist Book, 2019
digital print
28 x 20 cm
42 pages
numbered edition of 30
A collection of charcoal drawings mended with tape. The repetition in the acts and the variations in the repititions create a motion, like in a film. This book is also about the physical, the frail, desperation and the non lasting.
4 variations – the End of Days
unique books, 2018-2019
screen printed monotypes
22 x 32 cm
16 pages/book
As an addition to the monumental book The End of Days, four small books were created developing the theme in different directions. In these books there is a greater focus on the material experiences, which becomes so much more intimate when in smaller formats.
Time Flies
Unique Artist Book, 2019
screen printed monotype
28 pages
size: 28 x 28 cm
The fly maggots are growing in number throughout the book. Thanks to the semi transparent paper layers on layers of maggots are experienced. An important part of the reading is made up by the feeling of touching the frail paper when leafing through the book and of the special sound when turning the pages.
Days of Laughter
4 Unique Artist Books in a box, 2018
each book 100 pages
size of box: 38,5 x 29 x 8 cm
Cover hand screen printed by the artist
Bookbinding by Flodstrands Bokbinderi
With the help of pencil, graphite, eraser, the paper and the process itself, I’ve been attempting to embody laughter. The act of drawing, erasing and drawing again, has been a way for me to embody the on-going in laughter. It is not about showing the process towards a finished drawing – it is about using the drawing process figuratively. Variations and repetitions are not a search towards a final result, but an attempt to catch laughter transpiring over time. I wanted to find out if I could – in one and the same piece of art – depict laughter as a process with its own course of duration.
I drew five different laughters on five pieces of paper, each measuring 130 x 100 cm during five weeks while at the same time documenting the drawing process photographically. Every Monday I started on a new laughter and then I drew and erased, drew and erased, drew and erased, for a week – and on Fridays I stopped. Each drawing process resulted in roughly one hundred photos in shifting daylight. The fifth and last drawing turned out as totally uninteresting during its whole process and eventually I finished by covering it up with white paint – to me it didn’t do as a work of art in any way. The four series of photographs became “Days of laughter I – IV” and exist in the form of projections (animations) and as four unique Artist Books collected in a slip-cover.